Words I Never Imagined I'd Say
"Is that ham on my computer?"
"Is that ham on my computer?"
I see from your black t-shirt with dazzling sparkly gold writing that you a member of the "Billionaire's Club". Wow! Good for YOU! At such a young age! I would have thought you'd still be in junior high, or highschool- like right NOW because it's the middle of a weekday. You must have worked very hard, shepherding some brilliant idea from drawing board to real world. You are a master at hiding the intensity that this road to billionaire-ism must have taken, as you zig zag up 5th Ave in Park Slope, kicking garbage.
Fashionwise, I like the way you counter the Billionaire-ity with jean shorts.
You truly are an inspiration - work hard to follow your dream and you TOO can be in the Billionaire's Club.
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